Thursday, May 4, 2017

Breakout Boxes

Breakout Boxes

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               I completed the Breakout Boxes with my assigned computer team. The most difficult puzzle for us was the coding maze. I think that it was because we guessed after we couldn't figure it out. So, since we knew that there were four arrow movements, we just kept guessing all possible arrow combinations instead of logically solving it. We probably would have got it done faster if we thought through everything instead of just guessing. My friend, Katie, exemplified collaboration because she didn't focus on solving one puzzle by herself. Instead, she walked around and asked people what they needed to do. This was helpful because whenever someone needed help, you could count on her. I contributed to my team by trying to solve the puzzles and looking around to see if there was any clues that we were missing. I was a key factor to my team because I found the black light and tried to find clues  with it. I also solved the word puzzle that told us to "Look Under The Cup" with Katie's help. Each individuals strengths were utilized because everyone worked on the puzzle that would best suit them. For example, I worked on the one with letters because I like to read. Overall, we did a great job solving the puzzle and working together as a team.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Something I Love

Something I Love

         One of the things I love the most is, without a doubt, photography. Photography is simple, but it can become more complex. The definition of photography is the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. But, you can use angles and details to make photography more difficult. I do photography with my friends, but I also enjoy it by myself. It is very easy to do, and you can do it at home. All you need is some type of camera. This could be a digital camera, Polaroid camera, or a phone camera. Personally a recommend  a digital camera, but for beginners, a phone camera is most likely best. First, go to a good location. Outside is typically the best because you can get natural light, sometimes even your back yard has some great things to photograph. If this is not the case for you, head to a park with a friend. You can use things such as woods and trees and backgrounds and take pictures of one another. If you'd rather go alone, find your main subject (such as a flower or trees). Then, you are on your own from there! You can search for photography techniques online to take your photographs to the next level (see below). I love photography because it is so fun to do and lets you express yourself. I have a Nikon B500, and it can take great photos and has a fantastic zoom. I also love photography because I can create memories with my camera. Whenever I have free time, I immediately grab my camera and head outside, because there's whole world to photograph! My favorite experience with my camera was when my friend Alex came over and we took pictures for hours. It was so fun because we were having a great time hanging out together while doing our favorite hobby. I'll never forget that day because some of the great pictures we have and how much fun we had that day.

Here are some links for you to view some extra photography tips!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

TED Talks: Filter Bubbles and Social Dance

Filter Bubbles

                             A  filter bubble is when a site or network filters what you search and what sites you are able to access or see. The advantages of filter bubbles are that they personalizes the site for whoever is reading it. It allows different people to get different things. It shows what it thinks the reader wants to see, which lets the reader not have to search for articles that they want to see. One of the main disadvantages of filter bubbles is that they show us what we want to see, but not what we need to see. Another disadvantage is that you don't get to see what is edited out, so you are missing out on what it behind the scenes. I have noticed filter bubbles in my life because me and a friend both searched "Lacrosse"and got totally different results and news stories. I also was searching for a website, but my phone wouldn't allow me to go to it, so I asked friends and family if they could get to it. They all could, so I asked my mom if she blocked it, and she said no. The website was just a place to go skiing at, so there was no reason for it to not come up and say "No search results." I didn't realize until now that it may have been filter bubbles.

                        Social dance is a big category of dances or dance styles that have a main purpose of connecting and socializing, most of these dances involve more than one person. Social dance is like an expression that emerges from a community. A social dance isn't choreographed by anyone personally and can't trace back to any one moment. Every dance is creative and help people express themselves in unique ways. Social dances become very popular because people can relate to others by knowing the dance. Many traditions involve these dances, and can date back to very long ago. This video shows how dancing evolved and what it's like. It also shows that these dances shape who we are and who we will be. I see social dances in my everyday life such as the dab. Everyone knows the dab and it's almost like a celebration. This connects us to one another because we can all relate and most of us have actually done this particular social dance move. Overall, this TED Talks has a really important message and is very interesting.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2016 Tech Review

2016 Tech Review

Best Refrigerator Ever! (Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator)

This fridge I awesome because everything would be in your reach. It would be awesome to have this!

Worst Idea Ever! (Apple AirPods)

This is the worst invention ever. These would be so easy to lose and do the same thing as any other headphones, I’m not even going to mention the price.

App I Want to Try

Quik seems like a very good app for editing videos that I would want to try. I make lots of GoPro videos that could look more professional by using this app. It could add cool effects and would combine my videos well. It even will add music to my videos to make them even better. I think Quik would be easy to use, but make my videos a lot better.
App I Love

The most useful app ever has to be Spotify. You have all of the music you could ever want at your fingertips. There are also different playlists for your mood. There is even music that goes to the tempo you are running at, if you listen to music and run. It’s the best app by far.